Tucked away in a film canister and unseen in over 40 years.
Frame #3
You are seeing the third frame from my very first black & white roll taken with my first 35mm film camera, a used Minolta SRT-101. If memory serves, the Kodak Tri-X film was free with the purchase.
This is an example of how not to take a good picture. My inexperience is evident in this frame’s haphazard composition with the subject centered in a straightforward perspective. It even recorded a flimsy way to hold a camera. And what’s with that blindfolded piggy bank in the foreground?
Frame #3 is a pretty cringe-worthy photo but I hope posting it offers encouragement to new film photographers to learn from mistakes, take time to savor looking through the viewfinder for composition before pressing the shutter, be aware of depth of field, try other angles, watch for distracting clutter, move closer to avoid negative space, brace the camera to avoid unintentional blur, and keep shooting while honing a personal style.